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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

A Quote from Far Cry 2

The Jackal

You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands.

Submitted by EvilKnievil

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Alex Mercer:

I looked for the truth. Found it. Didn't like it. Wish to hell I could forget it.


Do you know the biggest lesson I learned from what you did? I discovered I have a sort of black box quick-save feature. In the event of a catastrophic failure, the last two minutes of my life are preserved for analysis. I was able - well, forced really - to relive you killing me. Again and again. Forever. You know, if you'd done that to somebody else, they might devote their existence to exacting REVENGE! Luckily, I'm a bigger person than that. I'm happy to put this all behind us and get back to work. After all, we've got a lot to do, and only sixty more years to do it. More or less. I don't have the actuarial tables in front of me.

Japanese proverb:

If it looks like miso and smells like miso, it its not the best miso.

Player, Bagley:

Player: You're telling me that a gambling addict turned down free money? It doesn't sum up.
Bagley: You're right. A gambling addict making a bad life choice? Ooh, the mystery! You had better talk to the friend if you want to crack this one.

Wade, Trevor:

Wade: Are we nearly there yet?
Trevor: No, Wade.
Wade: Are nearly NEARLY there?
Trevor: You keep this up, you're not gonna get there at all.

Game: GTA V

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