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Featured Game: Cyberpunk 2077

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If the Enrichment Center is currently being bombarded with fireballs, meteorites, or other objects from space, please avoid unsheltered testing areas wherever a lack of shelter from space-debris DOES NOT appear to be a deliberate part of the test.


I tried downloading an aimbot to be the best at this game, but ended up with a malware.

Game: Stray
Lee Everett:

Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about, even if sometimes, that means hurting someone else.

Radio Ad:

Vote YES to proposition 208 and legalize medical Cocaine.

Game: GTA V
Bob Page:

Go ahead! Blow this place sky-high... You might get rid of ME, but you'll take down Aquinas, the power grid, the whole electronic infrastructure - is that what you want?! Are you completely nuts?!

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Game Quotes Statistics

Number of Quotes: 1243
English Quotes 577
German Quotes 666
Number of Games: 558
Since 2011